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Hello everyone! I’m Nataliia, a stretch therapist at LYMBR, your personalized stretching studio that prioritizes health and wellness. Today, I want to share some crucial information for all you tennis enthusiasts out there – how to prevent tennis elbow with five essential stretches. These stretches not only help in maintaining elbow health but also improve your overall game performance.

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition caused by arm, forearm, and hand muscle overuse. It impacts players by causing discomfort, limited mobility, and potentially affecting their overall performance on the court.

Importance of Stretching for Preventing Tennis Elbow

Incorporating stretching into your routine can significantly improve flexibility, mobility, and strength in the muscles surrounding the elbow joint. This can help reduce the risk of injury and alleviate the symptoms of tennis elbow.

For tennis players, the benefits of stretching cannot be overstated. Stretching enhances overall performance on the court helps maintain proper muscle balance and reduces the strain on the tendons during repetitive motions. Additionally, regular stretching can improve circulation and contribute to a more efficient recovery after intense training or matches.


5 Essential Stretches

Wrist Extensor Stretch

First up, we have the Wrist Extensor Stretch. This stretch targets the muscles on the top of your forearm, which are often overused in tennis. 

How to do it:

Make sure to keep your elbow straight and feel the stretch along the top of your forearm. This will help reduce the strain on your elbow during your game.

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Next, let’s move on to the Wrist Flexor Stretch. This one is great for the muscles on the underside of your forearm.

How to do it:

Remember to keep your elbow straight and feel the stretch along the inside of your forearm. This stretch helps balance the muscle use in your arm, reducing the risk of injury.

Supinator Stretch

Our third stretch is the Supinator Stretch. This targets the muscles responsible for rotating your forearm.

How to do it:

This rotational movement helps loosen up the muscles that can become tight from repetitive motions in tennis.

Triceps Stretch

Stretch number four is the Triceps Stretch. Your triceps play a significant role in stabilizing your elbow.

How to do it:

Feel the stretch along the back of your upper arm. Keeping your triceps flexible can help support your elbow joint during intense activities.

Shoulder Stretch

Finally, let’s finish with a Shoulder Stretch. Your shoulders are key to proper arm movement and can help take some pressure off your elbows.

How to do it:

Keeping your shoulders flexible ensures your entire arm moves more fluidly, which is crucial for preventing overuse injuries like tennis elbow.

Did You Know?

Tennis is one of the oldest sports in history, with roots dating back to the 12th century. It’s a sport that not only challenges your physical endurance but also sharpens your strategic thinking. Research has shown that regular tennis players have improved aerobic capacities, reduced body fat, and better muscle tone. It’s also a fantastic way to enhance coordination and agility.

Stretching, particularly dynamic stretching before playing, has been scientifically proven to increase your range of motion and reduce muscle stiffness, which can significantly improve your performance on the court. Incorporating these stretches into your routine not only prevents injuries like tennis elbow but also ensures that your muscles are ready for the dynamic and repetitive actions required in tennis.

There you have it – five essential stretches to help prevent tennis elbow. Incorporate these into your routine to keep your arms strong and flexible. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Stay proactive with your stretching routine, and your body will thank you for it!

If you found this article helpful, make sure to visit our Blog Library and our YouTube channel for more personalized stretching routines and wellness tips. Here’s to a healthier, more flexible you!

Also, if you want to learn more about our assisted stretching services, please check out the rest of our website. If it’s your first stretch with us, book a new client session now for half the original price!

See you next time at LYMBR!


how to prevent tennis elbow with five essential stretchesAbout the Author

Nataliia is a passionate yoga teacher with 14 years of experience. She combines her knowledge of yoga with a fascination for neuroscience and holistic nutrition to promote well-rounded wellness. Despite having a law degree, she chose to pursue her calling as a wellness advocate. She finds joy in sharing the transformative power of LYMBR’s double arm horizontal pec stretch, which opens the heart center, symbolizing her belief in holistic well-being.